Here is where you can see some examples of the work Alexandria has created. Please click the music notes in bottom right corner of each video for sound.
The Belgian Pride ad, played on Belgium's largest commercial screen
Created to advertise the 2021 Pride event, The Belgian Pride commissioned a short video to be played on Belgium's largest screen: that at De Brouckère in the centre of Brussels
The Belgian Pride ad, played on Belgium's largest commercial screen
Created to advertise the 2021 Pride event, The Belgian Pride commissioned a short video to be played on Belgium's largest screen: that at De Brouckère in the centre of Brussels
The Belgian Pride animated New Years Card
Animated the preexisting vectors from the printed new years card so as to be converted into email form. All voice acting, vocal recording and mixing was performed by Alexandria.
Animated logo for Outside Perspectives
Animation of preexisting logo for Outside Perspectives, a non-profit located in Connecticut.
Funding Request for Outside Persepctives
A commercial created to submit with a grant funding application for Outside Perspectives, a leader in Youth Outdoor expeditions.
Services Commercial for Outside Perspectives
A commercial created for Outside Perspectives to explain their services.
Rebrand video for Eurakor via La Colmena
A video created for a client of La Colmena, Eurkaor, to explain the rebrand work done by La Colmena.
Animated Logo Wordsmith Productions
Conceptualized and animated logo for events and film production company.
2021 Reel
A reel created with an accumulation of exercises and work created in 2021.
St. Jazz Trailer
A trailer created to advertise St. Jazz Festival, with preexisting theme and color scheme.
Alchemie Logo
Conceptualized and animated logo for musical band Alchemie.
Alchemie GoFundMe Trailer
A video announcing the launch of a GoFundMe Campaign for musical group.
Where the Lights Are Productions Logo
Conceptualized and animated logo for film production company located in New York.
Motor City Jet Ski
Conceptualized and animated logo for jet ski rental company in Detroit, MI.